Long Street swimming pool reopened after maintenance work and renovations

The reopening of this historical landmark is a ‘momentous occasion’ for the community. Picture: Supplied

The reopening of this historical landmark is a ‘momentous occasion’ for the community. Picture: Supplied

Published May 15, 2024


Cape Town – The Recreation and Parks Department reopened the Long Street swimming pool this morning, following maintenance work and renovations.

The reopening marks a significant milestone in the pool's revitalisation journey.

The facility, a historical landmark in the heart of the city, has been undergoing upgrades since February to enhance its facilities and ensure an even better experience for visitors.

Mayco Member for Community Services and Health Patricia Van der Ross said: “This is a momentous occasion for the community and water-lovers alike. This project represents our commitment to providing top-notch recreational facilities for our residents.”

While some minor snags still require resolution, the City said it is committed to swiftly addressing these.

Measures have been put in place to minimise disruption to pool users, with the contractor committed to completing outstanding work outside of operating hours.

Visitors will be informed of any ongoing installations to ensure their safety and convenience.

“We recognise the value that the Long Street swimming pool brings, and we are committed to ensuring that it meets the highest standards of safety, accessibility and enjoyment.

“We express our gratitude for the community's patience and understanding throughout the renovation process and look forward to welcoming back our patrons, and seeing the pool once again bustling with activity,” added Van der Ross.

Among the completed works are roof repairs and electrical compliance upgrades, along with interior touch-ups, like the painting of the foyer ceiling and external façade, repairs to the cash office and other minor works.

Cape Argus