Structural engineers provide George building collapse update to Winde

The search and recovery operation was concluded on Friday, 17 May, and the site was then handed over to the South African Police Service (SAPS). Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

The search and recovery operation was concluded on Friday, 17 May, and the site was then handed over to the South African Police Service (SAPS). Picture: Ayanda Ndamane / Independent Newspapers

Published May 22, 2024


Cape Town - Premier Alan Winde and members of the Western Cape Government (WCG) have received a status update from the team of structural engineers appointed to investigate the cause of the George building collapse.

V3 Consulting Engineers is leading the provincial government’s investigation into the tragedy on May 6. The provincial government’s investigation comprises several phases.

The search and recovery operation was concluded on Friday, May 17, and the site was then handed over to the SAPS.

The WCG’s probe was launched just a day after the tragedy.

“While we are aware of other investigations that are under way by other bodies, this incident happened in our province and impacted our residents,” said Winde.

“As premier I have a responsibility to our residents to ensure that we get the answers that everyone is seeking.”

It was emphasised that the collecting of samples from the site had to be done as soon as possible before the rubble was removed to ensure the integrity of the process.

At the same time, it was important to ensure that no investigation interfered with the search, rescue, and recovery operation.

Material samples needed to be collected and meticulously documented.

“The process began as soon as the investigating team arrived on site and was undertaken with the co-operation of the SAPS. Evidence was collected under the supervision of the SAPS.

“We will continue to work together until the conclusion of all investigations. We will do everything possible to ensure this entire process is handled with the professionalism and delicacy that it deserves.

“But we also have a commitment to the residents of this province to help them understand what happened and if steps need to be taken; what actions should be taken,” the premier said.

Documents that are being sourced include:

  • Construction drawings.
  • Planning and approval applications.
  • Occupational Health and Safety reports.
  • Site diaries.

Once all the documents are sourced and all materials are collected, they will be analysed.

Technical testing will also be carried out, which is part of a geo-technical assessment. Interviews will also be conducted with service providers involved in the project.

Winde stressed that this must be a clinical, thorough process to ensure that all evidence that is processed and documented will be sufficient enough to hold up in any ensuing legal matter.

“There must be consequences for this tragedy,” he emphasised. “We owe this to the victims and their families.

“We also have a responsibility to ensure that everything is done to prevent a similar tragedy from happening in our province again.”

The premier also extended his condolences to the loved ones of another patient who was extracted from the debris but has since passed away in hospital.

The death toll in the George multi-storey building collapse has risen to 34. Garden Route and Central Karoo Districts health department spokesperson Nadia Ferreira confirmed the death.