Not sure what to get dad this Father’s Day? Here are a few thoughtful suggestions

File image of a father and son. Picture: Pexels.

File image of a father and son. Picture: Pexels.

Published May 21, 2024


Father’s Day is around the corner and if you want to honour your dad in style, it’s best to start preparing now.

Like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, which is celebrated on June 16, is not only reserved for biological fathers but to all father figures who go above and beyond.

If you are still unsure about what to get for your father, below are a few suggestions:

A beautiful father and son moment. Picture: Pexels.

Spa date for a dad doing hard labour

If your father works in construction or does some kind of hard labour, please book them in for a spa day. Not only will it take him out of his comfort zone but it will also help his body relax.

After that, you can treat him to a nice lunch, depending on the budget, but a body massage is a must.

Hiking day for an office dad

Most people who work at the office are hardly active. They spend more time glued to their desk, and when they get home, they want to spend some time with their family, leaving them with little to no time for physical activities.

This Father’s Day, take your dad hiking to bond as you walk those trails and also help him build his physical strength, it’s a much-needed stretch that will benefit his body.

Staycation for an adventurous dad

Adventurous fathers like camping, hence you must do something different this time like booking him a staycation at a nice hotel.

That way, he’ll be treated like the king he is without having to worry about setting up his tent and sleeping on a sleeper bag. Alternatively, you can also get him a fishing rod to use when he goes on his next adventure.

An apron for the braai master dad

A personalised apron for your father who always braais the best meat would be a great gift this Father’s Day. Such a gift will make him feel seen and appreciated for his efforts as the braai master. Plus, he can also show it off to his friends.

A novel for an academic dad

Academic people hardly have time to read for relaxation because they are usually caught between studying and doing assignments, leaving them with little time for their hobbies.

Get your father a book he's been meaning to buy. That way, he will get the much-needed break from his studies while continuing to stimulate his mind by reading for pleasure.

A father reading to his child. Picture: Pexels.

A lunch date for a business dad

Businessmen usually go out for lunch but hardly enjoy it because it’s all about business. On his special day, treat your old man to a fancy lunch date where you catch up on what’s happening in your life, new hobbies, and anything interesting but business.

Just stick to lightweight topics to freshen up the mood, nothing heavy. Alternatively, you can take him for bowling or bouncing, that way he’ll get a chance to play and step out of his serious mode for a while.

After all, a man can never be too old to play.

Music concert for a single father

Single fathers hardly have fun because they have to work extra hard to make sure their children are well taken care of. However, they deserve time out from parenting and enjoy things that will make them feel alive, like a music concert.

Ask him when was the last time he’s been to a music concert and, if it’s been over a year, get him a ticket for the Gauteng “Soul and Jazz Concert“ happening on June 29 at Time Square in Pretoria, or any concert in your city.